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queer astrology & tarot 🌈🔮

Cassie, Baby! Astrology's logo

queer astrology & tarot 🌈🔮

hello! my name is Cassie ██████ and I’m a transgender astrologer and intuitive tarot reader in Phoenix, Arizona. 🏳️‍⚧️🌵

I am also a content creator, writer, historian, and a proudly bi-racial trans woman and my pronouns are she/her.

I am deeply interested in how modern cultural ideas about gender inform our understanding of astrological symbolism. I give queer and trans-centered readings for queers and all allies. Trans rights are human rights!

if you're interested, read more about my practice here!

join the queer occult for astro insights and exclusive updates…

join the queer occult for astro insights and exclusive updates…

join the queer occult for astro insights and exclusive updates…

©2025 by cassie baby astrology

©2025 by cassie baby astrology

©2025 by cassie baby astrology